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Interest across the World


Post 15th May 2022

A number of Pre-Orders were received in April and swiftly despatched as soon as advanced copies of the book were received directly from the printers. As news spread, books were packed and addressed to customers across the UK.

More books have been despatched to Australia - Sydney and Brisbane - as well as New Zealand. There is continued interest and admiration in Australia for the way the Anzac troops, led by the indomitable character - Brigadier Leslie Morshead - a veteran of Gallipoli, attacked and harassed Rommel's elite Afika Corps during the 242 day long Siege of Tobruk during most of 1941.

The first books have been despatched to Canada, to the north west of Toronto and to Vancouver, British Columbia. Mick Stoke was serving on HMS Kempenfelt, 26th Destroyer Flotilla leader at D-Day, 6th June 1944 supporting and protecting the 3rd Canadian Division as they battled to establish a bridgehead at Juno Beach.

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